Wednesday, October 30, 2019

U.S. Homeland Security and the Business, Government and Society Essay

U.S. Homeland Security and the Business, Government and Society - Essay Example Thus the phrase- â€Å"Homeland security†; this phrase may appear relatively new but was actually coined after a series of attacks against US and its nationals around the world during 1980s and 1990s. The U.S. military now defines homeland security as "the preparation for, prevention of, deterrence of preemption of, defense against, and response to threats and aggressions directed toward U.S. territory, sovereignty, domestic population and infrastructure; as well as crisis management, consequence management, and other domestic civil support." (1) The definition has two important constituents namely homeland defense and civil support. Homeland defense is seen as the "protection of U.S. territory, sovereignty, domestic population, and critical infrastructure against external threats and aggression," whereas while civil support is described as "support to U.S. civil authorities for domestic emergencies, and for designated law enforcement and other activities." (2) During the Clinton administration, homeland security was an important but passively discussed issue. By the time Clinton’s term ended, the notion of homeland security revolves around "national missile defense, counterterrorism, WMD preparedness, consequence management of WMD events and protection against cyber attacks." (3) The three main components of any counterterrorism strategy would thus form the basis for the creation of the Department of Homeland Security. These components were later clearly identified by President Bushs National Strategy for Homeland Security as "1) prevent terrorist attacks within the United States; 2) reduce Americas vulnerability to terrorism; and 3) minimize the damage and recover from attacks that do occur." (4) If Clinton administration had basically been passive about national security, then Bush administration did nothing concrete either in the first few months of entering

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Extension of Man by Marshall McLuhan Essay Example for Free

The Extension of Man by Marshall McLuhan Essay In this monumental work, Marshall Mcluhan rigorously examined mass media, a term which he coined how it affects pop culture and in turn how it affects human beings and their relations. According to McLuhan, there is no single factor in human life more important than technology and yet most users have little or no idea of how most technologies work or even that their own bodies are sophisticated collections of technological systems. McLuhan rejected Marxs view of production as a primarily determinant in social change and replaces it with technological inventions. The most important aspect of media is the technical medium of communication. In this book, he provided insights on how technological innovations influence mans perception. It provided insights not only on what people communicate but on how the message is being communicated. One factor to consider into understanding the book is the milieu when it was written. McLuhan developed his theory when television was still is at its infancy and the personal computer was still being developed. However his book in a way predicted what is to come. McLuhan established himself as the patriarch of media criticism and the high priest of pop culture after this book. He made a lot of revelations in this book; things which are imperceptible to most but have great impact. For instance, the existence of global village (another term he is credited of coining); the exploitation, manipulation and control of the individual; the medium is the message; and technology as extensions of human body. McLuhan’s global village is where media penetrates the whole of society and culture. Today few would dispute that mass media have indeed decentralized modern living and turned the world into a global village. It is something that universalizes culture and existence where everyone shares something in common. The mass media have created a world of instant awareness to which the categories of perspective space and sequential time were irrelevant and in which a sense of private identity was untenable. He noted the fact that there are more people watching TV than attending church is something of no great consequence but McLuhan warns â€Å"we become what we behold†. Constant television exposure has its drastic effects. Notice how plastic surgery and other artificial beauty enhancements have become highly popular. In this line, he provided an insightful view on how advertising manipulates the unsuspecting audience. He believed that the available media shapes human activity, more so than what media are used for. Content analysis misses the point and is not as effective because it is the medium that affects the body and the psyche in unconscious ways. Early on the book he differentiated hot and cold medium and points that the medium is more powerful than the message. He touched on how women were turn into objects of desire and how they are in turn made to buy the products that will help them achieve desirability. He also discussed how man highlights the technological extensions but ignores the amputations. McLuhan said that technology is the extension of Man meaning for every technology that is invented, there is a corresponding internal technology (performing similar functions) within the physical bodies of people. For example clothing is the man-made extension of the skins role in keeping us warm inside. He called media the extension of man he based his theory on the fact that content follows form, and the insurgent technologies give rise to new structures of feeling and thought, new manners of perception. He saw media as make happen agents rather than make-aware agents. Highly anecdotal and riddled with wordplay and notorious firing quips, McLuhan made a breakthrough in this book by breaking down how media and technology is conventionally perceived.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Zora Neale Hurstons They Eyes Were Watching God Essay -- Hurston Eyes

Zora Neale Hurston's They Eyes Were Watching God It’s no wonder that â€Å"[t]he hurricane scene in Zora Neale Hurston’s novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God, is a famous one and [that] other writers have used it in an effort to signify on Hurston† (Mills, â€Å"Hurston†). The final, climactic portion of this scene acts as the central metaphor of the novel and illustrates the pivotal interactions that Janie, the protagonist, has with her Nanny and each of her three husbands. In each relationship, Janie tries to â€Å"’go tuh God, and†¦find out about livin’ fuh [herself]’† (192). She does this by approaching each surrogate parental figure as one would go to God, the Father; she offers her faith and obedience to them and receives their definitions of love and protection in return. When they threaten to annihilate and hush her with these definitions, however, she uses her voice and fights to save her dream and her life. Hurston shows how Janie’s parental figures t ransform into metaphorical hurricanes, how a literal hurricane transforms into a metaphorical representation of Janie’s parental figures, and how Janie survives all five hurricanes. Janie’s first parental, godlike figure is Nanny, and she is the first to assume the form of a metaphorical hurricane or â€Å"[s]omething resembling a hurricane in force or speed† (â€Å"Hurricane†). Nanny establishes her parental, godlike status to Janie when she says, â€Å"’You ain’t got no papa, you might jus’ as well say no mama, for de good she do yuh. You ain’t got nobody but me†¦Neither can you stand alone by yo’self’† (15). While acting as the sole provider of love and protection to Janie, Nanny assumes the speed and force of a hurricane; â€Å"she bolt[s] upright† upon witnessing Janie’s first kiss an..., she uses her voice and fights to save her dream and her life. Because the hurricane scene serves as the central metaphor of Hurston’s novel, it’s not surprising that other writers would want to use the hurricane to signify on Hurston. What may surprise these other writers, however, is that the novel actually includes five hurricane scenes, not just one. Works Cited â€Å"Fill.† The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language 2000 Fourth ed. 13 Nov. 2004 . Hurston, Zora Neale. Their Eyes Were Watching God. New York: Perennial, (1937) 1965. â€Å"Hurricane.† The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language 2000 Fourth ed. 13 Nov. 2004 . Mills, Elizabeth. â€Å"Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God.† Eighteenth Class Meeting. English 281. Davidson College. 26 Oct. 2004.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

On Course Journal Entry

Dick Gregory, The Memoir of Dick Gregory by. Dick Gregory, Slavery by Another Name by. Douglas A. Blackman, The Autobiography of Malcolm X by. Alex Haley, and Stolen Legacy just to name a few. I also watched documentaries; Hidden Colors 1-3 and Dark Girls. I also studied a couple museums, the most recent being the one in contribute of Martin Luther King and Accelerator Scott King in Atlanta. I talked amongst other individuals who were interested in the topic, as well. B. What do you do to learn the Information or skills needed to learn this? I read more than anything else.I was so intrigued by what I was reading and how it all was so connected to modern day society I just continued to read and make notes mostly. C. What did else do you do to learn this? I spoke to other people who were also interested In the topic and we all shared our new found knowledge to expand the wisdom we were digesting. I looked at some African pictures and old news articles. I also, consumed Information off the Internet. The more I learn the more I realize there is so much connected to present day activities. So, I still to this day study this topic. D.How often do you engage in learning this? I honestly engaged in this study every day. I have a whole collection of books pertaining to the subject, sometimes I think so many books so little time. E. When you engaged in learning this, how long did you usually spend? My studies were constant. I'm talking at least 6 to 7 hours out of the day usually. That was before school started of course, now it's more so 2 to 3 hours every other day. F. What feedback did you use to determine how well you learned this? When I enlightenment. They were quite fascinated with my learning in such short period of time.Some people didn't believe me, but those are the closed minded individuals who are content with what they were taught in the American education system about their ancestors Just being nothing more than slaves. G. How did you feel when you engaged in learning this? At first I was filled with anger and disappointment. Then, I found balance in it as I do in everything. Know I'm actually glad that they chose us. I feel so alive, empowered, conscious, and mindful now, the list can go on and on. Just so many emotions! So many volumes of life have taken over me that I have a totally new found perception.H. What are the rewards for learning this? There are an astonishing deal of rewards in regard to this lesson, including knowledge of self being my number 1 gain. I got closer to myself and my spirituality, discovered my destiny in the mist of it all by coming into visualization of what I want to do with my life. I can go on in a great abundance on what this topic has taught me and brought forth into my life. I can truly say I am grateful for the experience and I wish to enlighten others so they come into realization of who they are and what they mean to America. Part 3.By reading and writing about learning, I have relearned that if you want to know and/ or understand something it takes hard work and dedication. I will use this knowledge to maximize my learning in college by taking great pride in my work. When I stepped on the campus of Eastern Florida College to enroll I knew I was ready and by any means necessary I will stay motivated. I wish to understand everything that is being taught to me. I am a very active learner so a lot is already hitting home. I now when things do decide to get tough I will seek greater explanation of the topic.I was informed there are tutors. There are plenty of methods I can take to absorb information. My most dominant styles of learning are logical learning; I prefer using logic, reasoning, and systems. And Solitary(interpersonal) self-study learning. I also like sound such as aural learning sometimes to remember certain things. These are styles I use when I am working on school lessons. There are other styles I prefer when it comes to labor or something else. I enjoy writing t hings down a lot. I see theirs is a lot of work in college.I'm not sure if it's due to the classes being 8 weeks or f it's always like this, but it seems it can get a little intense if you're not organized or focused. I have a schedule around my lesson and I still find the time to get all of my work done with no distractions. So, honestly when it comes to learning I think it depends on the individual and how bad they want their education. I know what I am her for, I am willing to take every calculated step in order for me to absorb the information. And again, I am not interested in taking in information Just to take a test. I'm not here to regurgitate information!I'm trying to fully understand everything Hess teachers are supposed to be teaching me. â€Å"Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world†. It sure didn't surprise me when we were asked, if we won the lottery would we still be interested in coming to college? Students were more interested in the illusion of having money. Fortunately, I am not motivated by money. I wish to make a difference in the world that's my motivation. Making a better society for my son and the other generations to come. I have great desire to touch every life around me, like Vive been doing since birth.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Philosophy of Education Idealism

The Philosophy of Education Ideals A standard by which we Judge things In our existence. Simple apprehension our intelligent apprehends or understands the nature or substance or essence of things. The essence is represented by an idea in the mind by the mind. Once an idea is formed, we compare it with another idea and pronounce their agreement or disagreement of one idea with another idea and we come up to Judgment. A philosophical approach that has as its central tenet (belief, view) that ideas are the only true reality and the only thing worth knowing.Emphasizes the study of man more and more because man is endowed with higher intellectual powers and show greater level of intelligence and discrimination and by his own moral and spiritual activities he has created. Idealism recognizes Ideas, feelings and Ideals more Important than material objects and at the same time emphasizes that the human development should be according to moral, ethical and spiritual values so that he acquires the knowledge A philosophical belief and outlook that material things do not exist Independently In the physical world but only In mind.A father of Idealism A Greek philosopher, who was remarkably equipped with natural endowments Plato did not think that man created knowledge. Rather, man discovered knowledge and always have stressed the Importance of mind over matter Plat's method of dialogue engaged in systematic, logical examination of all points of view†¦ Plat's idea was that the philosopher-king must be not only a thinker but also a doer. Dialectic (Socratic Method): A method of reasoning In which the conflict or contrast of Ideas Is utilized as a means of detecting the truth. Christian philosopher to formulate the doctrines of his religion in the most comprehensive and enduring manner take the position that matter might exist, but in a generally detrimental way. The search for truth is a search for God, and a true education leads one to God George W. F. Hegel A Gamma Heg el was sensitive to change. Change, development, and movement are all central and necessary in Hedge's logic. Ralph Wald Emerson An American Developed a variety of idealism known as transcendentalism Frederica Forbore based on kindergarten theory of idealism.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Analysis of Exact! Stores Essays

Analysis of Exact! Stores Essays Analysis of Exact! Stores Essay Analysis of Exact! Stores Essay Introduction This case analyses the market strategy behind the introduction of Exact! Universal Apparel. In the past, the Foschini Group owned a chain store called Pages. Pages had been a successful chain in the past, but it targeted a different market to the target market identified by Exact!. Pages target market was focused on the LSM 2 – 4 market. , whereas Exact! Target market focused on LSM 4 – 8. In this assignment, I have identified the problems and challenges facing Exact! the various marketing strategies that can be identified in analyzing the case as well as proposed solutions in order to grow the company from strength to strength. 2Identification of the problems I have identified several problems / challenges facing Exact! : Customers are spending disposable income elsewhere. It is mentioned in the case that consumers are spending more money in casinos, lottery tickets and cell phones. The granting of credit is also going to become increasingly difficult with all Retail outlets and in this particular case, with Exact! In addition, the petrol price is at an all time high in South Africa. Inflation is reaching double digits and customers can no longer afford to service their debts. Food and other essentials are far more important in terms of priorities consequently, consumers will not be able to afford to pay back their debts. Another issue that I believe could lead to bigger issues is the fact that the Foschini Group outsource a large proportion of the expertise required by Exact!. Often these expertise is outsourced to a company that is based abroad which leads to additional problems. The biggest risk that I believe Exact! is facing is the fact that they are copying the Gap Model used in the United States of America. Whilst it may work for a period of time, it is important to note that what is successful in what country / place is not necessarily successful in another. The Gap Chain store has been around for many years whereas Exact! is not as well established and has targeted a totally different market to the Gap Chain store in the United States of America. 3Analysis of the marketing strategy 3. 1STP 3. 1. 1Segmentation Exact! targeted several market segments with a different offering for each, this is commonly recognized as a differentiated segmentation strategy. The reason firms choose this segmentation is because it helps them obtain a bigger share of the market and increases the market for their products overall (Grewal and Levy, 2008). Exact! identified the â€Å"Gap† model because this particular clothing store based in America has a focused product range that appeals to almost the whole population. Exact! did not want to take away the market that Foschini and Markhams appealed to. Therefore, from a financial perspective it made sense to target a broad range of consumers with a small product range. 3. 1. 2Targeting Exact! targeted its segmentation on LSM’s 4 – 8. They are men, women and children from all ethnic groups. The people in this target group are price conscious and looking for value for money. They include young, modern, aspiring individuals who are fashion conscious who want to be recognised for their taste in clothing. 3. 1. 3Positioning Markhams and Foschini focus on a tight consumer group, but offer a complete wardrobe for that lifestyle. The Foschini Group positioned Exact! as a brand that provides more than just â€Å"functional relevance†. The Group wanted the brand to be more aspirational, more accessible and cheaper than expected. This led to the positioning of Exact! as â€Å"Accessible, affordable and aspirational†. Exact! also wanted to create a smart / casual product offering by the worldwide trend of casulalisation in the work place. The challenge is to ensure that casual or basic wear was given an identity and not seen as boring. 3. 23 C’s 3. 2. 1Customer In the past, Pages had targeted LSM’s 2 – 4. Exact! targeted a much broader target market, that is LSM’s 4 – 8. Accordingly, this broader target market, resulted in items that may be perceived as inexpensive but great quality to LSM 8. It also enabled the LSM 4 Exact! arget market to be exposed to excellent value items, which are more expensive . In order to curb the pricing issue, Exact! offered credit to their customers. This resulted in the building of an effective database that was targeted by various marketing activities and special offers. 3. 2. 2Competition Competition in the retail sector in South Africa is rife. Exact! therefore targeted a very broad target profile. The company adopted The Best Total Cost competitive strategy for the company. This proposition would differentiate it from other retailers. The strategy encompassed a variety of aspects:- Tight control; Process driven mindsets; and Simplicity, cost cutting The offering of credit also added to their competitive advantage. Customers were able to obtain credit without any extra cost to them. At the time of Exact! ’s entry to the market, retailers and competition such as Mr Price were not offering credit which meant they had a competitive advantage compared to other retailers. 3. 2. 3Company The Foschini Group includes the following retailers:- Exact! , Foschini, Markham, American Swiss, Sterns, Totalsports, Sport Scene, Fashion Express, Donna-Claire, RJL, @Home and Due South.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Writing Descriptive Paragraphs for English Learners

Writing Descriptive Paragraphs for English Learners Writing descriptive paragraphs can be successful as one of the first writing activities for students. Start by helping students understand the difference between simple and complex sentences, and move on to practice writing complex sentences. Students should also be familiar with a wide range of descriptive adjectives. Start by having students answer basic questions below. Next, use the writing exercise to expand the answers into a well-formed descriptive paragraph. Descriptive paragraphs are often used to describe what a person looks and acts like. Read this example descriptive paragraph, notice how descriptive paragraphs are arranged by putting together all the sentences about the same thing. Here is an example of a descriptive paragraph: I am forty years old, rather tall and I have blue eyes and short black hair. I wear casual clothes as I teach students in a relaxed atmosphere. I enjoy my job because I get to meet and help so many different people from all over the world. During my spare time, I like playing tennis which I play at least three times a week. I also love listening to classical music and I must admit that I spend a lot of money on buying new CDs! I live in a pretty seaside town on the Italian coast. I enjoy eating great Italian food and laughing with the likable people who live here. Written Exercise I Answer these questions about yourself on a piece of paper. How old are you?What do you look like?What kind of clothes do you wear? Why?What kind of job do you do? Do you like it?What are your favorite hobbies? Why do you like them?Where do you live?Do you like living there? Why or why not? Written Exercise II Now that you have the information about yourself ready. Fill in the gaps in to complete this descriptive paragraph about yourself. I am _________ years old, I _________________ (your looks). I wear ________________ because ______________. I am a ______________. I like / dont like my job because _____________________. I enjoy ______________. I often _____________ (describe how often you do your hobby). I also like ________________ (write about another hobby) because ________________. I live in ____________. People in ____________ are ________________ . I enjoy / dont enjoy living in ______________ because ____________. Practice Ask your friends the same questions as in Exercise I and write paragraphs about them.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Find a Job After Being an Entrepreneur

How to Find a Job After Being an Entrepreneur Jason Alba, creator of, has literally written a book on how to make your own niche in the working world as a self-employed entrepreneur, but he also knows that being your own boss isn’t the best option all of the time. Sometimes it’s a question of timing, prioritizing a stable paycheck over following your bliss, family crisis taking precedence, or a market crash, etc. And he has some reassurance for you. It’s ok! You can quit one enterprise and seek out a job in someone else’s employ, without being a quitter or giving up on your dream. Take it from someone who’s lived it:Whether you are a cog in someone else’s wheel, or you create the next Facebook, you have value. Â  And as I mentioned earlier, circumstances change. Â  Maybe your role as cog today will lead you to successful entrepreneur in the future. Â  Or maybe you’ll be a great cog, with a great career, with financial stability and all the joys that can come fr om having a fulfilled life.Shuttering your small business, with all the blood, sweat, tears, and time you’ve sunk into it, can feel like failure–but it doesn’t have to. You too may have the heart of an entrepreneur, but thanks to timing and external circumstances, it may be just what you and your family need to take down that shingle and exchange it for a company ID. It doesn’t mean you’re done inventing, planning for the future, or directing your own life. Be ready for the right opportunity when it calls, and trust that you’re doing your best. Document all your responsibilities, risk-taking and successes in your next stellar resume, and take that confidence into your next job interview. Entrepreneurship will be waiting for you when you get back.When an Entrepreneur Quits and Has to Find a JobRead More at Jibberjobber

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Augustine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Augustine - Essay Example Original sin is a concept in Christianity which has evolved from the concept of, fall of mankind. Augustine describes the action of Adam and Eve as a foolish act which was guarded by confidence and pride, his emphasis being more on pride. He further elaborates that the stain of this action has affected all human beings and this trait is present in all human beings from their inception and no matter what they do in their entire life, they cannot escape from this taint. According to him when Adam and Eve committed the sin, it resulted in the reproduction of mankind which makes all humans his descendants born with the trait and tendency to commit sins. He states that all humans are born bad and remain so unless they ask for forgiveness and hence they are a denounced crowd. He teaches that all humans are subjected to physical attraction and sexual desire and is this feeling is not fulfilled it results in uneasiness and restlessness. He has stated humans to be sinners who lack the liberty to do well; they are corrupted in nature and possess the tendency to disobey God’s orders until they are granted godly grace. Augustine’s views on original sin contrasted with other philosophers’ notions and hence faced a lot of opposition. (Paul, 25) Works Cited Paul, Rigby. Original Sin in Augustine’s Confessions. University of Ottawa Press. 2000.

Men on the Down Low and The Impact it has on Others Research Paper

Men on the Down Low and The Impact it has on Others - Research Paper Example Now the paper has taken up a particular target segment which has been the victims of such concern as down low. The African American men make up this category and this problem of down low prevails amongst them through the medium of media attention, social identity and health concerns. Introduction The term â€Å"down low† has been defined in general terms as something to keep secret which might include either information or some actions. More specifically the term incorporates men who are bisexual and might call themselves â€Å"on the down low†. This involves therefore a self perception which is associated mostly with the African American men who is often accused to have inflicted AIDS amongst the female members of their community owing to the double lives they lead. The identification of men with down low therefore depends on the health factors, social identification indicators and the media attention. If the men are directly gay then they can come out in the open and admit their orientation in order to lead a desirable life but instead everything seems to be carried out in secret. The black men are almost unanimously identified with down low. Lynn Harris, in his work Invisible Life focuses on the bisexual behavior of the black people at a time when the media did not give attention to the issue and therefore the people of all races gradually became aware of this. For instance, some men who were engaged in association with women or sexually tied up with men often are worried about contracting HIV and even getting it passed on to their spouses. The â€Å"down low† issue has taken up spaces in New York Times and other print media of the nation. Boykin’s work Beyond the Down Low focuses on aspects which point out that the down low is not a phenomenon but is something about psychological perception. He quotes some statistics from a story â€Å"Of the 7,000 black female AIDS cases in 2003, only 118 reported sex with a bisexual male as th e method of exposure† (Boykin & Harris, 2006, p. vii) and also says that around 1.6 percent of the women who were reported to have been inflicted with AIDS had relationships with bisexual male despite the fact that more than 100 percent of the public opinion centering on AIDS amongst the blacks were concerned with down low. Boykin also points out that the rate of AIDS amongst the black female had come down by 6 percent over the previous four years (Boykin and Harris, 2006, p. 107). The tragic stories on black men were ignored though the American women’s cases of AIDS were reported without cross checking the evidence found. Even men were diagnosed with AIDS and reportedly had the highest cases amongst the black community. The media tries to avoid these reports until the case involves a black man who is responsible for infection in a black woman. This highlights the bias of media with respect to racial difference. The media is selective about reporting the health cases su ch that the finger is pointed towards black men on the down low. Often black men experience a risk of getting accused of crimes not committed and even has to bear the consequence of the same simply for the color of his skin. Hence in this circumstance perception is treated as a practicality. Authors like Boykin rightly suggests that instead of avoiding the truth and telling lies to the media it is important to solve the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Exercise and Good life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Exercise and Good life - Essay Example Activity class may appear to be all about physical movement and exercise but in reality, it helps us in exploring ourselves and take initiatives to make ourselves better people. The good life is all about being content and experiencing joy in little things. It is about not having new things but appreciating what we already have. If we tend to find joy in things, it will be a short-lived happiness since things become old; get expired and their trends change. However, happiness that stems from within makes every day of life a good one. A good life is supposed to have a purpose and meaning quite similar to an acting class. I expect activity class to not only contribute to my physical health but also character building. This is precisely the reason why everything we do in our lives should have meanings. Purposeless life lacks direction and will to do good for others and society. A desire to have a good life motivates one to have some roles to play at work, with family, friends, and commu nity. Accomplishments in these roles through struggle and movement leads to self-satisfaction and joy in turn. It is also important to note that having a good life means causing no or limited harm to those around us; be it humans or nature itself. Struggling for this will also require an effort e.g. removing stone or garbage from the street as it may hurt others. A good life is something which motivates us to do better things for ourselves and society. Doing so requires goodwill and physical activity.

Personal Development Plan Portfolio Report Essay

Personal Development Plan Portfolio Report - Essay Example The assessment includes reading, writing, and oral communication, alongside with team work, problem solving, personal effectiveness, numeracy, and information technology. The section in which I scored the lowest marks was oral communication. The section in which I scored the highest was personal effectiveness. The second diagnostic which is used was ‘Rough & Ready Reckoner’. This diagnostic was particularly interesting as it measured preference for one’s learning style. The diagnostic concluded that I am an activist who wants public appreciation and who is always looking for new and fresh experiences. This particular diagnostic also revealed a number of shortcomings of my personality which were scarily accurate. It showed that I am a risk taker however, these risks are often unwarranted. Other weaknesses like impulsiveness and lack of concentration were revealed from the diagnostic. The third diagnostic that helped me understand my learning needs was VAK self asse ssment. The diagnostic concluded that I prefer an auditory learning style. According to the diagnostic, I am more inclined to learn from listening to other people and using my auditory senses. I prefer learning from concentrating on what is being said rather than other learning through physical experience and visual learning. In accordance with the diagnostic, the first goal I have set for myself is to improve my oral communication skills. I have always encountered problems in expressing my point of view, and therefore the first goal I have set is to work on my verbal communication skills. This goal is also in line with the information I received from diagnostic test. Effective communication will help increase my chances of getting desirable employment opportunities in future because it is the most basic skill all employers are looking for in prospective employees (Bridgstock, 2009). This is why setting the goal of improving oral communication is justified. The second development go al that I have set is to negotiate and persuade other group members in the team. The diagnostics told me that I am an activist that is looking for appreciation. This sometimes leads me to give in to the opinions of other people even when I do not wholly agree with them. This is something which, I believe, is hindering development and, therefore, I have decided to set this development goal to improve my team working and group working skills. The third development goat that I have set is to improve my research skills while completing my academic assignments and reports. This goal will help me improve my academic performance to a great degree, and is expected to lead me to long term academic success (Kramer, 2002). The diagnostic informed me that I have difficulty in concentrating on one thing. This is why I have set this particular academic development goal. Progress Review The use of the three diagnostic methods mentioned above helped me a lot in understanding my strengths and weakne ss both at personal and academic level. These diagnostic tests revealed important information for me that helped me develop my development goals. The tests revealed that I lack good oral communication skills, which is why I am not able to express myself. The reality was bitter however, it helped me identify areas of improvement. With regards to team working skills, I thought I always had an edge because I really like working in teams. Diagnostic methods helped me understand that I like appreciation of people and this was the reason why I was a

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Porter's Five Forces Strategy Analysis as it applies to the Auto Essay

Porter's Five Forces Strategy Analysis as it applies to the Auto Industry - Essay Example For international organizations, decisions have to be made on whether the strategies would be the same for every country it competes with as well as giving managers the mandate to choose their own strategies. Functional strategies for particular operations derived from business level strategies include marketing, accounting and finance. An automotive industry manufactures, designs, develops, markets and sell motor vehicles and is considered the world’s most significant economic sector in terms of revenue generation. The American automobile industry is the only industry that has never changed for years since its inception. Businesses begin, grow, develop, and end just like human beings. Some do not complete their life cycle as a result of their interruptions. They undergo a myriad of challenges that make them eventually die. Contrary to a human being, a business can change its methods of operation to more efficient mechanisms for improvement. From this view, the American automo bile industry has raised the question of whether it will be able to adapt or it will end from its stagnating condition. Before establishing an organization’s business-level strategy, it must discern the determining factors of profit maximization of an industry. The tool of analyzing these factors is what is known as Porter’s Five Forces Model. ... Introduction to the Auto Industry As defined earlier, an automotive industry manufactures, markets, designs, develops and sells motor vehicles. It does not include industries attached to automobiles after delivery to the client such as fuel stations, electronics and repair shops. An automobile industry involves producing and selling individual powered vehicles such as trucks, passenger cars, farm equipment and other commercial vehicles. The auto industry has facilitated the growth of infrastructure for long distance commuters, entertainment and shopping, growth of market centers, increased urbanization and industrialization (Burgess, 1980). The industry is also one of the key employers thus contributing to economic growth. Until 2005, the US dominated the world in production of automobile. Majority of the auto dealers in the US were blacksmith and carriage shops. Progress was soon developed when the car replaced the horse and buggy. Blacksmith shops were everywhere in the market cent ers and played the role of serving customers at a great deal. The inventors of automobile industries were engineers like Henry Leland and Henry Ford. Blacksmith shops were service oriented whereas carriage shops required time to time management together with the horses that drew them. Since their goal was to provide exceptional satisfaction to the customers needs, they slowly became auto dealers of servicing their customer’s vehicles. They were able to compete with service stations such as Jiffy Lube, Midas, and Meineke among others. From that time the number of dealers began to increase giving rise to many franchised automobile dealers. This trend went down from 1950 until 2007 (Tuman 19). 3.1 Industry definition The first fifty years saw the industry

The description, feeding and threats of Arabian oryx Essay

The description, feeding and threats of Arabian oryx - Essay Example It has black markings on its face and legs and is of the size of a deer. It has reasonably long legs with wide hooves that help them in running in deserts. It possesses a splendid peripheral vision that helps it in spotting predators. It has the ability to increase its body temperature and make it higher than the ambient air in order to lose inordinate body heat (Walther, 1990). Although, sweating also helps the animal in loosing heat. The ability to increase its body temperature permits the Arabian Oryx to release heat into the surroundings. The brain is, however, protected during the process of increasing body temperature by the cool blood that returns from the nasal pathways, thus absorbing heat from arterial blood that is destined for the brain (Walther, 1990). (National Wildlife Research Center, 2007). The Oryx leucoryx (Arabian Oryx) is also known as white Oryx. It is a moderate-size antelope with a distinguishable shoulder bump, a tufted tail and long and unbowed horns. It is a bovine and is the smallest-sized member of the genus Oryx, native to steppe and deserted regions of the Arabian Peninsula. By the years 1970s, the Oryx leucoryx had vanished in the wild but was preserved in private preserves and zoos and then was reintroduced, in 1980s, into the wild (Wildscreen, 2013). It was enlisted as an endangered species in 1986 on the IUCN Red List while it was the first animal species that was reverted to vulnerable status after being categorized as extinct species in the wild. The populations of Arabian Oryx, in 2011, were estimated to be more than 1,000 animals in the wild while there are around 6,000-7,000 animals in the preservation areas and zoos worldwide (Wildscreen, 2013). General Description The scientific name of Arabian Oryx is Oryx leucoryx. It belongs to the Order Artiodactyla, family Bovidae. Its range of habitat noticed formerly was Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Arabian Peninsula and Sinai. Sand deserts and gravel plains constitute the habita t of Arabian Oryx. Its diet includes herbs, fruits, grasses, melons and roots. The average body length has been found to be around 5.3 ft/ 160cm. The average shoulder height is approximately 2.7-3.4 ft/ 81-102 cm. The tail length has been recorded to be 1.5-2 ft/ 45-60 cm while its weight is 143-154 lb/ 65-70 kg (AZA, 2009). The colour of its coat is white in colour, without any colour washes, as noticed in the other species of Oryx. The colour of its legs is brownish black, excluding the ankles, which have white bands. Its face is spotted with black splotches that run from the eyes, beneath the jowls and down the cheeks, and dark hair triangles are noticeable down the nose bridge as well as on the forehead. The tasselled tail of the Arabian Oryx is somewhat dark brown and black. The unbowed, long, ridged horns are noticed in both sexes of the Arabian Oryx, growing 1.6-2.2 feet/ 50-68 cm long (AZA, 2009). It is a white, graceful antelope, standing 3 to 4 feet tall and around 300 pou nds weight, with black markings on the legs and face. Its white cost radiates the sunlight while during cold mornings heat is absorbed by the dark legs from the ground. The wide ears of the Arabian Oryx are circular at the tips. It is a keen-sighted animal, alert and wary, which protects itself by lowering its head in order to point forward its horns (AZA, 2009). The wandering herd comprises a leading male and various females with their young ones. Arabian Oryx is able to go without water for long periods, and the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Porter's Five Forces Strategy Analysis as it applies to the Auto Essay

Porter's Five Forces Strategy Analysis as it applies to the Auto Industry - Essay Example For international organizations, decisions have to be made on whether the strategies would be the same for every country it competes with as well as giving managers the mandate to choose their own strategies. Functional strategies for particular operations derived from business level strategies include marketing, accounting and finance. An automotive industry manufactures, designs, develops, markets and sell motor vehicles and is considered the world’s most significant economic sector in terms of revenue generation. The American automobile industry is the only industry that has never changed for years since its inception. Businesses begin, grow, develop, and end just like human beings. Some do not complete their life cycle as a result of their interruptions. They undergo a myriad of challenges that make them eventually die. Contrary to a human being, a business can change its methods of operation to more efficient mechanisms for improvement. From this view, the American automo bile industry has raised the question of whether it will be able to adapt or it will end from its stagnating condition. Before establishing an organization’s business-level strategy, it must discern the determining factors of profit maximization of an industry. The tool of analyzing these factors is what is known as Porter’s Five Forces Model. ... Introduction to the Auto Industry As defined earlier, an automotive industry manufactures, markets, designs, develops and sells motor vehicles. It does not include industries attached to automobiles after delivery to the client such as fuel stations, electronics and repair shops. An automobile industry involves producing and selling individual powered vehicles such as trucks, passenger cars, farm equipment and other commercial vehicles. The auto industry has facilitated the growth of infrastructure for long distance commuters, entertainment and shopping, growth of market centers, increased urbanization and industrialization (Burgess, 1980). The industry is also one of the key employers thus contributing to economic growth. Until 2005, the US dominated the world in production of automobile. Majority of the auto dealers in the US were blacksmith and carriage shops. Progress was soon developed when the car replaced the horse and buggy. Blacksmith shops were everywhere in the market cent ers and played the role of serving customers at a great deal. The inventors of automobile industries were engineers like Henry Leland and Henry Ford. Blacksmith shops were service oriented whereas carriage shops required time to time management together with the horses that drew them. Since their goal was to provide exceptional satisfaction to the customers needs, they slowly became auto dealers of servicing their customer’s vehicles. They were able to compete with service stations such as Jiffy Lube, Midas, and Meineke among others. From that time the number of dealers began to increase giving rise to many franchised automobile dealers. This trend went down from 1950 until 2007 (Tuman 19). 3.1 Industry definition The first fifty years saw the industry

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

U.S. Commercial Rayon Fiber Production Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

U.S. Commercial Rayon Fiber Production - Essay Example But this artificial production of the fibers is just a century old. It was in 1890s that the first artificial silk, which was nothing but rayon made its beginning as a commercially produced fiber and it was in the year 1911; American Viscose Company, the first company to pioneer artificial fiber production began producing rayon.2 Though the fiber revolution begun in later half of 19th century, its roots have got a beginning with the description on minute bodies in the book â€Å"Micrographia† by Robert Hooks in 1665.3 That humble beginning got translated into the production almost two centuries later and now this man made fiber production has reached up to 24 million ton. These artificial fibers have got its application not only for apparel manufacturing but also for home furnishings, medicine and many others.4 Rayon was first artificially produced fiber and was called as artificial silk. Developed in France by Count Hilaire de Chardonnet, this fiber despite being a man-made product is still not synthetic.5 Its production involves wood pulp which is a naturally occurring raw material. The basic nature of rayon is very much like naturally occurring fibers such as cotton or linen. The industry as of now produces four different types of rayon namely Regular rayon, High Wet Modules (HWM) rayon, High Tenacity Rayon and Cupramonium Rayon. The production of these different types is due the use of two different chemicals and varying manufacturing techniques.6 The United States at one time was the leading producer of rayon with companies like Viscose Co. and DuPont being the two largest producers in US. But as of now there is not even a single rayon manufacturer in United States.7 Rayon still forms a major part of total fiber consumption with companies mostly from Europe and Asia are making it avai lable to the customers. The production of rayon made its beginning in US in the year 1911. It was the American Viscose Company (A. V. C.) who started the

Monday, October 14, 2019

11 Facts About Elder Abuse Essay Example for Free

11 Facts About Elder Abuse Essay 1. Elder abuse most often takes place in the home where the senior lives. It can also happen in institutional settings, especially long-term care facilities. 2. Approximately 1.6 to 2 million seniors become victims of abuse or neglect in domestic and institutional settings in the U.S. every year. 3. The four most common forms of elder abuse are physical abuse (including sexual abuse), psychological and emotional abuse, financial/material abuse, and neglect. 4. Most elder abuse victims are dependent on their abuser for basic needs. 5. At least 1 in 9 Americans over the age of 60 has experienced some form of elder abuse. 6. Seniors who have been abused have a 300 percent higher risk of death when compared to those who weren’t. 7. In almost 90 percent of elder abuse and neglect incidents, the perpetrator is a family member. Two-thirds of perpetrators are adult children or spouses. 8. For every reported incident of elder abuse, five others go unreported. 9. Almost 50 percent of seniors with dementia (a decline in mental ability. Alzheimer’s is the most common type of dementia) experience some form of abuse. 10. While 91 percent of federal abuse prevention dollars are spent on child abuse, 7 percent is spent on domestic abuse, and only 2 percent goes towards protecting the elderly. 11. Legislatures in all 50 states have passed some type of elder abuse law. Types Although there are common themes of elder abuse across nations, there are also unique manifestations based upon history, culture, economic strength, and societal perceptions of older people within nations themselves. The fundamental common denominator is the use of power and control by one individual to affect the well-being and status of another, older, individual. There are several types of abuse of older people that are generally recognized as being elder abuse, including: Physical: e.g. hitting, punching, slapping, burning, pushing, kicking, restraining, false  imprisonment/confinement, or giving excessive or improper medication Psychological/Emotional: e.g. humiliating a person. A common theme is a perpetrator who identifies something that matters to an older person and then uses it to coerce an older person into a particular action. It may take verbal forms such as name-calling, ridiculing, constantly criticizing, accusations, blaming, or non verbal forms such as ignoring, si lence or shunning. Financial abuse: also known as financial exploitation. e.g. illegal or unauthorized use of a person’s property, money, pension book or other valuables (including changing the persons will to name the abuser as heir). It may be obtained by deception, coercion, misrepresentation, undue influence, or theft. This includes fraudulently obtaining or use of a power of attorney. Other forms include deprivation of money or other property, or by eviction from own home Scam by strangers: e.g. worthless sweepstakes that elderly persons must pay in order to collect winnings, fraudulent investment schemes, predatory lending, and lottery scams. Sexual: e.g. forcing a person to take part in any sexual activity without his or her consent, including forcing them to participate in conversations of a sexual nature against their will; may also include situations where person is no longer able to give consent (dementia) Neglect: e.g. depriving a person of food, heat, clothing or comfort or essential medication and depriving a person of needed services to force certain kinds of actions, financial and otherwise. The deprivation may be intentional (active neglect) or happen out of lack of knowledge or resources (passive neglect). Hybrid financial exploitation (HFE): e.g. financial exploitation that co-occurs with physical abuse and/or neglect. HFE victims are more likely to be co-habiting with abusive individual, to have fair/poor health, to fear the abusive individual, to perceive abusive individual as caretaker, and to have a longer duration abuse. In addition, some U.S. state laws also recognize the following as elder abuse: Abandonment: deserting a dependent person with the intent to abandon them or leave them unattended at a place for such a time period as may be likely to endanger their health or welfare. Rights abuse: denying the civil and constitutional rights of a person who is old, but not declared by court to be mentally incapacitated. This is an aspect of elder abuse that is increasingly being recognized and adopted by nations Self-neglect: elderly persons neglecting themselves by not caring about  their own health or safety. Self-neglect (harm by self) is treated as conceptually different as abuse (harm by others). Institutional abuse refers to physical or psychological harms, as well as rights violations in settings where care and assistance is provided to dependant older adults or others. What causes physical abuse of an elder? The exact cause of physical abuse is not known. Poor or crowded living conditions may be one of the reasons it occurs. The following may increase your risk of physical abuse: You have learning or memory problems. You have a long-term condition, such as dementia, diabetes, paralysis, or stroke. You have no relatives or friends who can take care of you. You have difficulty getting along with others. The carer depends heavily on you for things such as money or housing. The carer drinks alcohol or uses illegal drugs. The carer has a personality disorder, depression, or another mental illness. The carer has a history of family violence, such as physical or sexual abuse. The carer has stress due to work, taking care of you, or financial problems. What are the signs and symptoms of physical abuse of an elder? Repeated falls or injuries, or old injuries that were not treated when they happened Scratches, bite marks, or marks from objects used for restraining, such as belts, ropes, or electrical cords Broken or dislocated bones Cuts or bruises, especially on both upper arms (grab marks) Scars or burns from cigarettes, irons, or hot water Blood or discharge coming from your nose, mouth, or genitals

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Communication Mechanism System

Communication Mechanism System Explain the importance of intercellular communication and describe the mechanism involved. Intercellular communication is important because it assist the nervous system to elongate the long-term process as growth, development, or reproduction. The endocrine system uses chemical messengers to relay information and instructions between cells. One of the mechanisms involved in intercellular communication is know as direct communication this communication is rare but is important when it occurs. This is when two cells of the same type and the cells must be in extensive physical contact. The cells are so close they function as one. The majority of the communication is known as paracrine communication which is where the cell continuously exchange chemical messages between each other so they in sink with one another. Compare and contrast the modes of intercellular communication used by the endocrine and nervous systems and discuss the functional significance of the differences between the two systems. The nervous system performs short term â€Å"crisis management† and the endocrine system regulates long-term, ongoing metabolic processes. The endocrine system uses endocrine communication which helps regulate hormones through the circulatory system and the nervous system dose not have the capability to do this. Another significant difference is synaptic communication the nervous system uses this form of communication of neurons to release neurotransmitter at a synapse very close to a target cell that bear the right receptors. This form of communication allows the body to react quickly to situations to escape from harm. 3. Explain the general mechanisms of hormonal action and identify which hormone types work through each mechanisms. A hormone receptor is a protein molecule to which a particular molecule binds strongly. Each cell has receptors for responding to several different hormones, but cells in different tissues have different combinations of receptors. For every cell, the presence or absence of a specific receptor determines the cells hormonal sensitivities. Hormone receptors are located either on the cell membrane or inside the cell. The mechanisms of hormonal action are that receptors for catecholamines, peptide hormones, and eicosanoids are in the cell membrane of target cells, Thyroid and steroid hormones cross the cell membrane and bind to receptors in the cytoplasm or nucleus, activating or inactivating specific genes. 4. Describe the control of endocrine organs. The endocrine organs are controlled by three mechanisms of the hypothalamic control. One is the secretion of regulatory hormones to control activity of anterior lobe of pituitary gland. Two the production of ADH and oxytocin. And finally is the control of sympathetic output to adrenal medullae. Explain the structural and functional relationship between the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus. The pituitary gland releases nine important peptide hormones; all bind to membrane receptors and use cyclic-AMP as a second messenger. The pituitary gland hangs inferior to the hypothalamus which all the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland to help in the function of the hypophyseal portal system. By the hypothalamus secreting specific regulatory hormones it controls the production of hormones in the anterior lobe. This whole system works to secret hormones from the hypothalamus through the pituitary gland in a network of capillaries that are connected. All this ensures that all the hypothalamic hormones entering the portal vessels will reach the target cells in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland before entering general circulation. 6. Predict how alternations in hormone production, delivery, or reception by target tissues would affect its action and blood concentration levels. Describe the factors that could determine a cells hormonal sensitivity. Cells sensitivity is determined by two factors down-regulation and up-regulation. Down regulation is a process in which the presence of a hormone triggers a decrease in the number of hormone receptors. This process is when levels of particular hormones are high, cells become less sensitive to it. Up-regulation is a process in which the absence of a hormone triggers an increase in the number of hormone receptors. In this process the levels of a particular hormone are low, cells become more sensitive to it. Identify the hormones produced by the anterior and posterior lobes of the pituitary gland and specify the functions of those hormones. The anterior lobe produces seven hormones: Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) targets the thyroid gland and triggers the release of thyroid hormones. As circulation concentrations of thyroid hormones rise, the rate of TRH and TSH production decline. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulates the release of steroid hormones by the adrenal cortex and targets cells that produce glucocorticoids. Gonadotropins regulate the activities of the gonads. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) promotes follicle development in females and, in combination with luteinizing hormone, stimulates the secretion if estrogen by ovarian cells. In males, FSH stimulates sustentacular cells, specialized cells in the tubules where sperm differentiate. Luteinizing hormone (LH) induces ovulation, the production of reproductive cell in females. Also promotes the secretion, by the ovaries, of estrogen and the progestin, which prepare the body for pregnancy. In male hormone is sometimes called interstitial cell-stimulating hormone (ICSH), because it stimulates the production of sex hormones by the interstitial cells of the testes. Prolactin (PRL) works with other hormones to stimulate mammary gland development. Growth hormone (GH) stimulates cell growth and replication by accelerating the rate of protein synthesis. The posterior lobe produces two hormones: Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is released in response to a variety of stimuli, most notably a rise in the solute concentration in the blood or a fall in blood volume or blood pressure. A rise in the solute concentration stimulates specialized hypothalamic neurons. Oxytocin (OT) stimulates smooth muscles contraction in the wall of the uterus, promoting labor and delivery. After delivery this hormones stimulates the contraction of myoepithelial cells around the secretory alveoli and the ducts of the mammary gland, promoting the ejection of milk. Discussion the results of abnormal levels of pituitary hormones Abnormal levels of pituitary hormones can have a cast and complex impact on the growth, fertility, and function on the human body via the effect of the hormones on their target organs. Diseases anywhere from asthma to growth problems can occur. Identify the hormones produced by the thyroid gland, specify the functions of those hormones, and discuss the causes and results of abnormal levels of thyroid hormones. The thyroid gland produces thyroglobulin, tyrosine, and thyroxine. The functions of these hormones are: Thyroid hormones enter target cells by means of an energy dependent transport system and they affect almost every cell in the body. Thyroid hormones bound to cytoplasmic receptors are held in storage until intracellular levels of thyroid hormone decline. Thyroid hormones bound to mitochondria increase ATP production. Thyroid hormones bound to receptors in the nucleus activates genes that control energy utilization. The calorigenic effect: the cell consumes more energy resulting in increased heat generation. In growing children, thyroid hormones are essential to normal development of the skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems. The thyroid gland is primarily responsible for a strong, immediate, and short-lived increase in the rate of cellular metabolism. The major factor controlling the rate of thyroid hormone release is the concentration of TSH in the circulating blood. The causes of abnormal levels of thyroid hormones can create an iodide deficiency because in the U.S. we consume more than they daily amount needed. Thyroid hormone production declines, regardless of the circulating levels of TSH. Describe the functions of the parathyroid hormones, and the effects of abnormal functions of each hormone. Parathyroid hormone has four major effects: 1. It stimulates osteoclasts, accelerating mineral turnover and the release of Ca2+ from bone. 2. It inhibits osteoblasts, reducing the rate of calcium deposition in bone. 3. It enhances the reabsorption of Ca2+ at the kidneys, reducing urinary losses. 4. It stimulates the formation and secretion of calcitriol at the kidneys. The effects of calcitriol complement or enhance those of PTH, but one major effect of calcitriol is the enhancement of Ca2+ and PO43- absorption by the digestive tract. The parathyroid glands, aided by calcitriol, are the primary regulators of blood calcium I levels in healthy adults. When the parathyroid calcium levels become abnormal there are two disorders that can occur. Hypoparathyroidism the gland secretes low calcium concentrations in body fluid. Hyperparathyroidism is when calcium concentrations become abnormally high. Identify the hormones produced by the adrenal cortex and medulla and specify the functions of each hormone The adrenal cortex secrets the hormones adrenocortical, mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids, and androgens. The adrenocortical steroids or corticosteroids are vital: if the adrenal glands are destroyed or removed, the individual will die unless corticosteroids are administered. Mineralocorticoids increase renal reabsorption of Na+ and water which accelerates urinary loss of potassium. Glucocorticoids release amino acids from skeletal muscles and lipids from adipose tissue; promote liver formation of glucose and glycogen; promotes peripheral utilization of lipids; anti-inflammatory effects. Androgens are not important in men; encourages bone growth, muscle growth, and blood formation in children and women. The adrenal medulla secrets epinephrine and norepinephrine. These hormones increase cardiac activity, blood pressure, glycogen breakdown, blood glucose levels; releases lipids by adipose tissue. Also this is where the fight or flight syndrome is sparked. Discuss the results of abnormal levels of adrenal hormone production When the adrenal hormone becomes abnormal it produces several different disorders. The first is hypoaldosteronism; the zona glomerulosa fails to produce enough aldosterone, generally either as an early sign of adrenal insufficiency or because the kidneys are not releasing adequate amounts of rein. A rare but serious disorder can occur called Addisons disease which results from inadequate stimulations of the zona fasciculata by the pituitary hormone ACTH or, more commonly, from the inability of the adrenal cells to synthesize the necessary hormones, generally from adrenal cell loss caused by autoimmune problems. Another disease is Cushings disease which results from overproduction of glucocorticoids. There is another aspect of abnormal production of adrenal hormones that affects men and womens sexual characteristics called adrenogenital syndrome. In women, this condition leads to the gradual development of male secondary sex characteristics, including body and facial hair patters. In male to causes an increase of estrogen resulting in larger breast tissue or other female secondary sex characteristics. Last but not least there is a disorder of the adrenal medulla called pheochromocytoma which is an overproduction of epinephrine that causes a tumor that produces catecholamines in massive quantities. Describe the functions of the hormones produced by the pineal gland. It contains pinealocytes, which synthesize the hormone melatonin. The suggested functions of the pineal gland is that it inhibits reproductive functions, protects against damage by free radicals, and sets circadian rhythms. Identify the hormones produced by the pancreas and specify the functions of those hormones. The pancreas contains both exocrine and endocrine cells. Cells of the endocrine pancreas form clusters called pancreatic islets (islets of Langerhans). The pancreatic islets release insulin and glucagons. Insulin is released when blood glucose levels rise, and it stimulates glucose transport into, and utilization by, peripheral tissues. Glucagon is released when blood glucose levels decline, and it stimulates glycogen breakdown, glucose synthesis, and fatty acid release. Discuss the results of abnormal levels of pancreatic hormone production. When the pancreatic hormones produce abnormal levels of insulin and glucose it causes an individual to be diabetic. Diabetes mellitus is characterized by glucose concentration that is high enough to overwhelm the reabsorption capabilities of the kidneys. Glucose appears in the urine, and urine production generally becomes excessive. Describe the functions of the hormones produced by the kidneys, heart, thymus, testes, ovaries, and adipose tissue. Control of the heart, kidneys, thymus, gonads, and adipose tissue. The kidneys release erythropoietin and calcitriol into the red bone marrow, intestinal lining, bone and kidneys. All of the hormones releases are to stimulate red blood cell production and calcium and phosphate absorption and it also stimulates calcium ions from bone; inhibits PTH secretion. The heart controls the hormones natriuretic that targets the kidneys, hypothalamus, and adrenal gland. These hormones increase water and salt loss at kidneys; decrease thirst; and suppress secretion of ADH and aldosterone. The adipose tissue contain two hormones that support to different functions, first is leptin which targets the hypothalamus for suppression of appetite; permissive effects on GnRH and gonadotropin synthesis. Second is resistin that targets cell throughout the body that suppresses insulin response. Last but not least are the gonads with the hormones androgens, inhibin, estrogen and progestin. All these hormones a re targeted by the pituitary glands to support the reproductive organs in males and females. In males the interstitial cells of the testes produce androgens. Testosterone is the most important sex hormone in males. Sustentacular cells in the testes support the differentiation and physical maturation of sperm. Under FSH stimulation, these cells secrete the hormone inhibin, which inhibits the secretion of FSH at the anterior lobe. The female body develops oocytes in the follicles; follicle cells produce estrogens, especially estradiol. After ovulation, the remaining follicle cells reorganize into a corpus luteum. Those cells release a mixture of estrogens and progestins, especially progesterone. Explain how hormones interact to produce coordinated physiological responses. Hormones interact to produce coordinated physiological responses in four ways: 1. antagonistic (opposing) effects 2. synergistic (additive) effects 3. permissive effects, in which one hormone is necessary for another to produce its effect 4. integrative effects, in which hormones produce different, but complementary, results Identify the hormones that are especially important to normal growth, and discuss their roles. Several hormones are especially important: GH, thyroid hormones, insulin, PTH, calcitriol and reproductive hormones. The circulation concentrations of these hormones are regulated independently. Changes produce unique individual growth patterns. Growth Hormone (GH): effects are most apparent in children where GH supports muscular and skeletal development. In adults GH assists in the maintenance of normal blood glucose concentrations and in the mobilization of lipid reserves. Thyroid hormones: if these hormones are absent during fetal development or for the first year after birth, the nervous system will fail to develop normally and mental retardation will result. If T4 concentrations decline before puberty, normal skeletal development will not continue. Insulin: without insulin the passage of glucose and amino acids across cell membranes will be drastically reduced or eliminated. Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) and Calcitriol: promote the absorption of calcium salts for subsequent deposition in bone. Without adequate levels of both hormones, bones will be weak and flexible. Reproductive Hormones: the sex hormones (androgens in males, estrogens in females) stimulate cell growth and differentiation in their target tissues. Differential growth induced by each hormone accounts for gender-related differences in skeletal proportions and secondary sex characteristics. Define the general adaptation syndrome. Any condition that threatens homeostasis is a stress. Our bodies respond to a variety of stress-causing factors through the general adaptation syndrome (GAS), or stress response. The GAS can be divided into three phases: 1. the alarm phase 2. the resistance phase 3. the exhaustion phase

Saturday, October 12, 2019

William Shakespeare Biography :: essays research papers

William Shakespeare was born to John Shakespeare and mother Mary Arden approximately in late April 1564 in Stratford -upon-Avon. His father was a prominent and prosperous alderman and later became a leather merchant. In William’s family there was at least 8 children, including him being the 3rd and eldest son. There is no solid proof as to which school Shakespeare attended, but there is an assumption it was at Stratford. The school was competitive and had a good reputation, which would explain Shakespeare’s proficiency in Greek and Latin. William did not go to college, which prompts some people to say that Shakespeare did not write his own work. (Hieatt.2) In November 1582 he married Anne Hathaway, who was 8 years older. Shortly after, their daughter Susan was born in May 26,1583. The couple later had twins, Hamnet and Judith, who were born on February 2, 1585. Hamnet, later died at the age of eleven and William then disappeared from the records for about seven years, until 1588 when he arrived in London to establish himself as an actor and playwrighter. A few years later he joined up with one of the most successful acting troupes in London: The Lord Chamberlain’s Men. He then went on to build his own theater across from the old one. Shakespeare entertained the king and the people for another 10 years until June 19,1613 when a cannon fired from the roof of the theater and burned it to the ground. He then invested in the rebuilding of the new theater. After this successful event he then retired from the stage in 1597, but continued to write until his death in 1616 on the day of his 52nd birthday. On average Shakespeare would write about 3 plays a year for his company along. He was A playwright, an actor, and part owner. Shakespeare was also a principle writer of a famous company of actors know as the King’s Men. In his time Shakespeare wrote 13 comedies, 13 historical plays, 6 tragedies, 4 tragicomedies, as well 154 sonnets. He is most noted for his achievements in highly original tragedies. Shakespeare was quite wealthy in his day, considering he left 300 pounds (120,000) to his daughter when he past away. (Fraser.22) Western Civilization still does embrace the works of William Shakespeare. Shakespeare is the only playwrighter from his ere whose plays are still being performed today. His influences are still seen today with adaptations of his plays such as: â€Å"Romeo and Juliet†, â€Å"Hamet† and â€Å"Titus†.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Internet and Information Essay

Having quick access to information can make life quite easy! I say this, because not all information you find on digital media sources can be trusted. The one way you can assess the value of the information is to perform research on the information offered or cross-reference the information you find. Since anyone can post anything on the Internet, it is best to identify the author and research the author’s credentials. This week I was researching information on the Internet about the digital divide. The search pulled up more than 50 pages of web links multiplied by 13 web links per page. Most of the populated information, was outdated, not that out dated information is not useful; however, I was able to find 10 web links that were dated recently enough for me to use. Over the years, I have become more literate regarding digital media and been able to distinguish the difference between blog, chat room, substantive and opinionated sites. Understanding how to identify bias statements and identify the facts as it relates, is one way to look at the information provided with a critical eye. Some websites the author, tries to influence their readers by taking a bias approach to persuade the reader’s thoughts on a particular subject, in these instances you are not receiving a balanced viewpoint, however; this is not always bad, especially when it comes to researching on personal viewpoints. Understanding the reliability and credibility of information might be as simple as knowing the domain. Domains can clue you in on the type of information and where the information originated. For instance, if I am looking for information on taxes, I would find correct answers on IRS. gov instead of IRS. com. It is safe to assume that IRS. gov is a reliable website as the government is the creator, on the other hand, IRS. com shows me similar information, however, it contains advertisements and a direct link to the IRS official’s website. Although both websites look familiar and offer alike information I find it better to get the answers straight from the horse’s mouth. To find and tilize the information, I need to use a critical eye and cross-reference the information found. Another instance is watching the different news stations on TV and understanding the affiliation they may have with other TV stations. For example, I may be watching a national news program MSNBC stock’s banner, which mentions how Comcast’s stocks are on the rise; this might be to persuade viewers to invest in their stock; however, I am also aware that Comcast recently purchased NBC and its affiliated stations. Now that I understand the possible bias approach, I am more inclined to research the fact prior to purchase their stock. The next time you walk into your local food store, view the magazines and newspapers. You should already be aware of the tabloids that give a reader inaccurate information and normally lack the author’s bio or credentials. The Internet can be like a magazine stand! Because of net neutrality, the lack of restrictions enables anyone to upload any kind of information, whether is true or false. We find ourselves arguing the two extremes! On one hand if a private enterprise wants to control the Internet, we would find that information would be shared for a price which limits free speech, however, if we allow the government to control what is shared on the Internet we may be left with what the government finds deem able. Both extremes limit our freedom when it comes to the Internet! As to your last question concerning the digital divide; it means the gap between those who have access to this media and those who do not. This divide affects many Americans whom either have no access to digital and media social websites or chooses not to have any involvement with it. They lack the basic understanding of digital media, and/or how to utilize the information. To bridge the gap, we have already started by providing free Internet access in our schools and libraries. This would allow for people with limited resources to become media literate. I believe that this free service can help bridge the gap to help the illiterate understand the differences between facts vs. propaganda. Because of the misuse on the Internet and the increased marketing from companies, I would find these classes useful for those with limited understanding of the Internet.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Promoting Healthy Habits Essay

During the last decades, the increase of obesity and eating disorders has tripled among young children. Therefore the topic of our assignment is how to promote healthy eating in children and centres. During our work term internship we noticed that the meals offered were not healthy food. The issue regarding healthy and nutrition in child care centres is important because it is very concerning that in a decade children have become very unhealthy. They prefer to eat meals that are not nutritious. As stated above in our work term we notice the food that was often given was oily and fried. As leaders in the field we have to make ECE’s and other adults more aware of how important it is for children to remain health. It is important for educators in centers to promote healthy habits in younger children because child obesity has increased by 10 percent in children ages from 2-5 and 15 percent in children ages 6-19. (Haschke, B. 2003) . Also the impact this will have if resolved is that children will be that having good nutrition will have a positive impact on the wellbeing, growth and development of children. Methodology There were two methods used to collect information for this project. The first method was to retrieve the centre’s menu to examine. We were able to obtain one menu that was used for that week. This menu included both the lunches and snacks served for that one week. After we had gotten access to a menu from the centre we used it to compare with the recommended number of food guide servings per day. The other method we used was going into the centre and conducting an observation. The purpose of the observation was to see if the centre did follow the menu and how they were promoting healthy and nutrition. On Friday October 19, 2012 we as a group both Faizah and Khoulah went to X child care center to observe what food the center serves and prepares for the children. We had arrived at the center early in the morning at 8am and left at 2:30pm. We had observed the cooking staff to see how they prepare and cook the food for the children and also to see if they were following their menu plan. Findings Analysis While analyzing the information gathered three merging themes were noticed, they were inconsistent with planned meals, the amount of unhealthy food rovided and food portions. The first thing we did was obtain the centre’s menus. When we received the menu it only displayed meal planning for that week. So to see how the centre was promoting healthy eating we got their menu to compare with Canada’s food guide. When comparing we came across that on average per week children are only given meats and alternatives 0. 4 time a day meaning it is only served twice a week (Appendix A, graph 1). While Canada’s food guide recommend meats and alternatives be recommended once a day (Appendix A). When analyzing the two together we learned the centre was providing fruits and vegetables accordance to Canada’s food guide. The centre served fruits and vegetables on average four times a day; this is also the recommended number of servings in Canada’s Food Guide. While Grain products were being served twice a day on average, when Canada’s food guide recommends 3 servings a day. During our observation of X child care we had gathered information from the center that we didn’t know. We had learned that the center wasn’t following their menu plan for that day. According to the menu during lunch time the meal provided was supposed to be fish sticks and sweet potatoes with carrots, grapes and bread butter on the side with milk. However on Friday when we went to observe children were given French fries, chicken nuggets, apples and fruit juice. The same had happened throughout the whole day. When we talked to the Chef she said they had gone over their budget and this was all that was available. This allowed us to see how inconsistent they were when implementing the meals for that day. They provide one meal while having written on the menu another. Another observation we came across was the center was deep frying the food for the children rather than using a healthier alternative for that day. For example instead of frying the chicken nuggets and French fries, the chef could have baked them. They had also not provided any vegetables or milk throughout the day with any of the meals that was given to the children. The centre’s staffs were also giving 100% juice to the children without adding water to it to lessen the amount of sugar. While exploring the centre we noticed that they did not have any posters or brochures on health and nutrition on the wall. Having this information could be beneficial for not only the centre staff but, for parents as well. In X child care we observed there being no portion control. The educators were over feeding children by giving them more food than needed. Also if a child wasn’t hungry after eating and had food left over, educators would force the child to eat all of the food so it wouldn’t go to waste. These are the information we gathered while collecting data through the observation and analyzing the menu. Limitations We only came across one big limitation when it came to our findings. The limitation is in regards to us being only able to observe for one day. Our method at first was to collect the centres menu and go in to observe for two days. When we had talked to the centre they had agreed at firs but, later on we found out that due to a special guest coming in we could only observe for a day. This only allowed us to see what they were serving for that day. On Friday October the 19th the centre did not follow the menu at all and served different meals. If we were given the opportunity to come in another day we could see if that inconsistency with the menu was only that day or not. However due to the circumstance that was not able to happen. This limited us in able to gather information in regards to what meals were given and if they did in fact follow the menu. Another limitation faced was having access to only one menu that only had planned meals for that week so we were only able to compare one weeks’ worth of planned meals with the Canadian food guide as opposed to a month. If we had access to one moth meal plan it would make our data more reliable. Evaluation Criteria for Solutions As viewed in the finding analysis when doing observations in X child care Faizah and I noticed a few problem in regards to healthy eating and the meals served. The centre was not serving the meals as written on their menu for the week and they had no posters or brochures about how to promote healthy eating and there was no Canada’s food guide. There are four criteria to evaluate the solutions upon they are cost, time, food portions, accessibility and availability. The reason for choosing these four criteria are based on the issues that were found in X child care centre and how evaluating the solutions based on these can help implement the solutions in a more effective way. One problem identified in child care X was that they served different meals opposed to what was planned because they ran out of food and their budget did not allow any room for more costs. So evaluating our solution based on cost would help see if a solution is possible with accordance to their budget. Also the reasoning behind choosing accessibility nd availability was the question what foods are available in the centre if unhealthy options are available how can you change that to offer more healthy alternatives and would they be more accessible. The criteria of time is viewed as the centre having enough time to implement these changes and based on how they cook the meals. Do they have enough time to bake or fry some of the meals. Another issue found when analyzing the information gathered was the food portions. By viewing food portions one can see how providing to much food involves loss of inventory and waste of food. By evaluating solutions based on food potions the centre will get a sense of how much to buy. Which can also benefit the budget. With these problems I have come up with solutions. The solutions are: 1. Displaying attractive, current promotional materials (e. g. posters and displays, etc) related to healthy eating. 2. Participating in professional development opportunities and activities related to healthy eating, this may include Eat right Ontario, the Eat Smart! Program. and Nutrition Month activities.   3.  Revamp menu that can be followed through with and incorporate more healthy food options that can fit in you budget without going over . When viewing the possible solutions we examined the strengths and weakness of how this can affect the child care centre by using the four criteria. When examining the first solution proposed displaying attractive, current promotional materials (e. g. posters and displays ect) related to healthy eating we came across possible benefits in implementing it. By having posters and displays will allow parents to implement health eating habits at home and continue what the centre is doing. Also having posters show how committed the centre in promoting healthy and nutrition among children . A Passionate environment allows others to learn about various nutritional ideas. Also by having a bulletin board regarding healthy and nutrition the centre can gather resources from the community such as referrals for parents that want more information on healthy eating for children. However with these benefits we came across some implications that may affect the centre wanting to create posters/ bulletin boards. The negatives that come with this solution is the cost of getting all the materials for the bulletin board such as, poster, decoration and copies of flyers/brochures. Another negative would be the amount of time it will take to create posters, receive resources from the community and decorate the display. For the second solution Participating in professional development opportunities and activities related to healthy eating the benefits were increases the knowledge and awareness of Educators for them to implement healthy eating with in the classroom, accessible and available for all. One ECE goes and reports back to centre and staff about what they learned and implementing learned material at professional developmental programs to benefit the centre. Some issues that may arise with this solution are that that the professional developmental program cost varies and the child care may not have enough staff to cover if one goes to professional developmental program. The last solution proposed for this problem is to Revamp/create a new menu for the child care centre that can be followed through with incorporating more healthy food options that fit in the budget. The benefits for this solution are that it creates a healthier environment can be revised to fit budget, parents might adapt that healthy environment at home. The negatives surrounding this solution is that it is time consuming having to look at your budget and design a new menu that has to be implemented, cost May vary at the beginning of recreating the menu.

Supersize Me Paper

Madison Montz Health Psych Super Size Me Reaction Paper It is no secret that our nation is becoming more and more obese. So what is causing the widespread issue of obesity? Well, there are a variety and combination of reasons such as overeating, lack of exercise, fast food, processed food, dieting, genetics, and sedentary lifestyles. Morgan Spurlock decided to tackle one aspect of this problem with his idea of examining McDonalds. He followed three rules as during this journey: he could only eat what was available over the counter, including water, no super sizing unless it was offered, and he had to eat and try every item at least once. Before Spurlock began his McDonalds diet, he went to numerous doctors and nutritionists and everyone told him that he was in shape and in good health. In 30 days, Spurlock consumed as much McDonalds as most nutritionists would advise someone to have in 8 years! He revealed to the public the truth about fast food. Something many already knew, but found it easier to avoid the fattening truth. I was very surprised, not to mention grossed out, to learn that about 95% of the commercials that children see are for foods filled with sugars and fats. Children are bombarded with images of fast food by media advertising. Most Americans understand the marketing strategy of McDonalds: to appeal to the young. That is why they have a clown for a mascot, Happy Meals which include children’s toys, and just about every location has a â€Å"play zone† for kids. The food is fast, comparatively cheap, and hot, which makes it a convenient dinner-choice for parents, especially after a long day. So who is to blame: kids, parents, or the business? In my opinion, it is 100% the parents’ responsibility to see that their children eat well and get adequate nutrition. Children do not have the knowledge, understanding, or maturity to choose what’s healthy to eat; of course they’re going to want food that tastes yummy and appeals to them! Businesses have one main goal in mind: to make money. In fast food, that often equates to using cheap ingredients and doing what it takes to make it taste good so that it is marketable. No business is holding a gun to parents’ (or children’s) heads, forcing them to buy their product. It is the sole responsibility of the parent, who has the knowledge and the maturity, to decide what is healthiest for their child to eat. Fast food companies have even come out with healthier side and drink options for children; instead of French fries, they can have apple slices and instead of shakes or sodas, they can have milk. The parents are the ones ordering the meals and paying for them (with their wallets and their health)! This movie sends the message that eating at McDonalds is a clear and present danger. Super Size Me not only examined the damage a fast food diet is capable of doing to a person, but it shows it visually. I learned that even the McDonalds foods that would be considered healthy, including the yogurt with granola, have more fat than a chocolate or caramel sundae, and even the ketchups are tomato concentrates filled with sugars! Therefore, customers need to closely examine the content of items served at McDonalds and beware of super sizing. I think it is easy to point the finger instead of taking responsibility for oneself and what individuals put into their bodies. In conclusion, Spurlock became addicted to this diet. Food can be much like a drug that the body gets used to. He found that eventually this food pumped him up when he was feeling depressed. That is why people keep coming back to fast food and why Americans are overweight. Junk food is addictive. I believe that overweight people should empower themselves by realizing the solution is simple: by eating healthier, smaller portions and moving more, you will feel better and have more energy! I think McDonalds faces a similar issue that the tobacco companies deal with: people try to sue them for selling them a product that harmed their health, even though the people buying the product knew the dangers but went ahead and did it anyways. It all gets traced back to responsibility. We live in America, the country of the free, and we all make the conscious choice, daily, as to what we’re going to eat that day. Bottom of Form

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Why do directors need to have their duties spelled out in statute Essay

Why do directors need to have their duties spelled out in statute - Essay Example directors must promote the success of the company for the benefit of its members rather than benefiting other group’s interests, but in the same way, have to observe the interests of other groups that contribute to the success of the company such as suppliers. Enshrining the regulations as law in spelling the director’s duties, is meant to formulate a favourable corporate legal environment that offer ease of access to the corporate form, minimum interference with the company management and appropriate investor protection for the overall success of the company (Companies Act 2006, Section 170-177). Advantages The codification of directors’ duties provides a clear working ground that promotes a patent definition of their roles in ensuring that the company achieves greater heights of prosperity and growth. Right from management roles and integrating issues within the market under which the company competes the law provides that directors as trustees should act in the interest of the company’s success. They should have regard to all relevant considerations and highlighting areas of particular importance that will steer the company in heights of growth. Integrating and widening the enterprise culture is an increasing major policy that is upcoming in the United Kingdom. This however is enshrined in coming up with suitable legislation that will govern the directors of business companies in their exercise for the duties. This will help in providing a successful platform for initiatives in businesses to elevate the UK business environment into global standards and making it the best place to do business. The modernization of the company law is a significant drive to facilitate and enhance the UK business enterprises to be competitive in the entire Europe and around the world appropriate investor protection and managerial freedom Directors as Managers of the companies in the UK are expected to ensure that the proposed intervention legislation are modelled to

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Ethical Dilemma -- Super Bowl XLV Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ethical Dilemma -- Super Bowl XLV - Essay Example utility is the first moral philosophy principle in that it states that each human being is morally obligated to seek to promote the inherent happiness of the greatest group of people. The utility principle also holds that all human beings are influenced by an interest in avoiding pain and securing pleasure. In Roger Rosenblatt’s essay â€Å"The Man in the Water†, the focus is not on the disaster itself, but on a single individual’s actions in choosing to come to the rescue of fellow crash survivors in the midst of frozen chunks crash debris and ice in the Potomac. The last statements of the essay state, â€Å"He could not freeze water or create ice storms†¦but, he could hand his life over to a complete stranger; and this too is a power of nature. The man in the water battled against an impersonal and implacable enemy and was successful in holding it to a standoff. He is the best that humanity can do† (Rosenblatt). In sacrificing his life for the benef it of others, the man in the water was the personalization of the views held by the utility theory. 3. First, what does it mean to say that the principle of utility is an absolute moral principle? Second, are there any absolute truths? Third, how do the Old Man Snodgrass and Maiden Aunt cases make it difficult to defend those claims about the principle? Fourth, how does Rawls defend utilitarianism from these difficulties in Two Concepts of Rules? The utility principle holds that human behaviors or even actions can be viewed as being right as long as they seek to promote pleasure for others or general happiness. Moral absolutism perceives all actions as being either immoral or moral. This rigid definition is somewhat similar to that of the utility principle. There are no absolute truths. The ‘Old Man Snodgrass’ and ‘Maiden Aunt’ cases make it hard to accept the claims of the principle of utility. In regards to ‘Old Man Snodgrass’, the power of the village collective is aimed against the weakest and

Monday, October 7, 2019

Impact of Culture on International Business Essay

Impact of Culture on International Business - Essay Example However, in the USA, the level of power distance is quite low and this shows that the intensity of interpersonal conflicts is quite high among the members. So, the entrepreneur needs to communicate very tactfully, in order to maintain cooperation and coordination among all. Similarly as the rate of individualism in the USA is extremely high so the entrepreneur needs to offer equal opportunities and wages to its members. Then, the level of motivation and morale of each of the employees of any newly developed organization might get enhanced towards their assigned tasks. Thus if equal opportunities and facilities are offered to the members or employees of the organization of USA, then their rate of dissatisfaction might get reduced to a significant extent. By reducing the rate of dissatisfaction, the level of coordination and teamwork among the employees might get declined to result in amplification of the brand value of the organization (Hofstede, n. d.). Prior developing a business in the United States of America, the entrepreneur needs to be well-versed with the language, customs, habits, and etiquettes, along with cultural dimensions, mentioned above so as to make the enterprise extremely successful in long run. The citizens of USA speak both American as well as Canadian English at the time of conversing with others. The Americans desire to make friendships with all and offer gifts to retain their relationships for the long run. This type of attitude helps to maintain uniqueness and equality among all the members. Moreover, the American citizens always offer high attention to dress codes and shaking of hands to maintain the level of relationships. This is one their business etiquettes that helps to maintain uniformity and coordination among all of the employees of an organization or citizens of the country of USA.